Mad River’s Black is the new Vogue

Vogue is another one of our Mad River’s Sirius Black daughters. Her mother Mad River’s Shonda was a littermate sister to CH Mad River’s Kaiser. She is a big girl with an awesome structure and a goofy expression. She loves water!


Mad River's Sirius Black

Mad River's Bronson

Tre's Oprah

CH Mad River's Kaiser

Scandifio's Tia di Mad River

CH Leonitis Big Show Sargent

Tre's Layla

Scandifio's Giorgio

Anita III (Tok)

CH Scandifio' Nino II

Asia Tran


Phantom Celade

CH Scandifio's Nino II

Scandifio's Megara

Mad River's Shonda

Scandifio's Giorgio

Anita III (Tok)

Bel Monte Nugget Scandifio

Scandifio's Sasha

CH Silver


Alaric Juka Bel Monte

Bel Monte Rita

CH Bel Monte Nero

Malocchia's Mocha Manola

CH Bayron


CH Bayron


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